Geophysical Fluid
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gfdl's home page > products and services > data portal > CORE: datasets

Support code for CORE datasets

This web page contains support code of use for setting up and running ocean-ice simulations using the Large and Yeager (2008) datasets for WGOMD-CORE.The file "ncar_ocean_fluxes.f90" is used to compute the exchange coefficients for momentum, evaporation, and heat, according to the NCAR bulk formulation. The remaining files support the regridding of river runoff data from the NCAR grid to an arbitrary grid. See release notes for further explanation of these files.

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A. This code was placed here on 27MAY2008.
B. File make_data_CIAFv2.csh was updated on 8 July 2008 to correct a bug related to the correction of the T10 data. For details of the bug, see the release notes.
C. File make_data_CIAFv2.csh was updated on 5 March 2009 to correct a bug related to the correction of the T10 data. For details of the bug, see the release notes.
D. File make_data_CIAFv2.csh was updated on 15JUNE2009 to extend data to 1948.
E. File get_COREv2_data.csh was updated on 18JUNE2009.
F. The script used to correct the giss/gcgcs/ncep uncorrected datasets make_data_CIAFv2.2009_11_24.csh was updated on 03DEC2009.
G. The script get_COREv2_data.csh was updated on 12Feb2010, corresponding to the new versions of the corrected interannual forcing.
H. The script make_data_CIAFv2.csh was updated on 05April2010, corresponding to the new versions of the corrected interannual forcing.
I. The script make_data_CIAFv2_AirTemponly.csh placed here on 10FEB2011, corresponding to the new corrected interannual forcing for t_10 for years 1997-2004.
J. The FORTRAN file datm_comp_mod.F90 was placed here on 01FEB2012. This file is the updated version of datm_physTN460.F90 and includes a bug fix for the wind vector rotation.
K. File get_COREv2_data.csh was updated on 15FEB2012.

15NOV2023: The server/path to the dataset has changed. Please use wget command to download from the ftp site!

To use the following wget commands first set the following shell variables
setenv COREv2_code_PATH
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/datm_physTN460.F90
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/make_data_CIAFv2.2009_05_12.csh
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/get_COREv2_data.15JUNE2009.csh
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/make_data_CIAFv2.2010_01_12.csh
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/get_COREv2_data_10FEB2011.csh
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/make_data_CIAFv2_AirTemponly.csh
wget $COREv2_code_PATH/datm_comp_mod.F90
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